Etowah River Rock Jumping
How much storage space is in the kayak? Most of the kayaks have enough storage for a small cooler and a backpack. Honestly, if you have more than that you probably have too much stuff.
What do I wear for clothing and footwear? It really depends on time of year. Water shoes or sandals that will not fall off are great footwear and provide good grip on wet rocks. Sunglasses, sunscreen,
Where do you go to the bathroom on a kayak trip? Many of our put-in/take-out spots have bathrooms. So best places are the start and end points. If you need to go while on the water…well you are on your own. The water is probably your best place.
Is alcohol allowed? Yes. Alcohol is allowed but not in glass containers. Also please be responsible for how much you drink. Know when to say when!
How do I pay? I prefer cash. However, I can take check or credit.
Do you watch the water release schedule to be sure my family is safe? I am diligent about watching the water release schedule of all local rivers. I will never put anyone in an unsafe water condition.
Is it a good idea to bring a change of clothes? Yes, there is a good likelihood that you will get wet in one form of other. Its always a good idea to have a spare set of clothing for the end of your trip.
Do you provide water bags for my cell phone and camera? It would be best to bring your own water bags and waterproof cases if you are going to take important electronics and cameras. I can offer a dry bag but cannot guarantee I will have enough for everyone.
Do I need to have a helmet? You will not need a helmet. If you feel more comfortable with one, I do have them but I will not put you into a situation where you will need one.
Do you lead the trip, or just provide the equipment? All of the trips that I post on this website “next tour” tab will be lead by yours truly. If you rent your own boat to go to the place of your choice, I will not be leading…unless you need a guide which I will do if more than 5 kayaks.
What if I never kayaked before? Do you take beginners? I am more than happy to take beginners. Most of my trips I lead will be well suited for beginners. I will notify you of the skill level but most of my trips are friendly to beginners.